I have read the first chapter of the book and oddly enough, as simple as it was, it was also powerful. The message was clear. We go through life wasting precious moments, taking moments for granted, screwing up, not screwing up enough, living too much, not living enough, or whatever the case may be. We spend life worrying why we aren’t as ahead as those in our age range or why someone older hasn’t got life figured out yet. We hide behind our insecurities, our fears, and our anxieties. Here I am trying to figure out what I hid behind or what would I do again, but better?
The answer for me is simple, college. I would do college again, but better. I would go to the physical school instead of attending an online institution. I would get out and meet people, go to class, join clubs, and just live a life a normal twenty-something should live. I then may have finished my B.S. degree instead of my school losing its accreditation and I get stuck with 97 credits that don
Another thing I would do again, but better would be my first job. I always say if I knew then what I knew now, I
We all have things we would do again, but better and I would love to
Amazon: Again, But Better by Christine Riccio